The first post!

21 06 2008

Hello! Thanks for visiting “Save the Little Humans”. My goal is to persuade:
– Those who are pregnant and considering abortion to consider the non-violent alternatives to abortion
– Those who call themselves pro-choice to see the act of abortion for what it really is–the taking of another (innocent) human’s life.
– Those who haven’t really thought much about the issue of abortion to see the truth and see through the arguments of the pro-abortion crowd
– Those who are pro-life but have remained silent on the sidelines to join the fight and DO SOMETHING to change the hearts and minds of a society that has continued to decrease the value placed on human life.

My main method of trying to achieve these goals is to publicize stories from a variety of sources that
highlight what is happening concerning abortion–stories about both sides of the issue, with a little of my own commentary thrown in for good measure.

I also plan to link to the leading voices from the pro-life movement and point to other bloggers like me who might not have the highest number of visits per day, but still are devoted to defending the lives of our “little humans”.

Finally, I would point everyone to They are an excellent source of information for anyone looking to educate themselves on the issue of abortion. Video, audio, banners, flyers, clothing–they’ve got everything you’re looking for.

Read on and God bless you!
