Great New Ad Against Planned Parenthood

26 02 2011

American Life League has posted a great ad on Youtube. Very creative way to show the reality of abortion. Hat-tip to Jill Stanek

D.C. Leaning Toward Funding Abortions

15 12 2009 is reporting that the government of Washington D.C. is leaning towards allowing the use of taxpayer dollars to fund abortions.

“We’ve already started to study the issues,” a City Council staffer said, predicting the matter could come up in the spring — along with a change allowing the District to permit medical marijuana. One possibility is that abortion coverage could be added to the D.C. Healthcare Alliance, which is the city’s taxpayer-funded health program for low-income and other residents.

D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton applauded the passage Sunday of the $1.1 trillion spending bill, which contained the abortion provision.

She has argued that the restriction created “severe hardships” for poor women in the city and that the law singled them out for “unfair and unequal treatment” — since states can use their tax dollars for abortion services.

My question for Ms. Norton would be, “What about the severe hardships you’re creating for the babies of those poor women?” And doesn’t this legislation target poor and minority babies? How’s that for racist?

If I was a tax-paying resident of D.C., I’d be pretty upset for the city creating even more “services” with my tax dollars instead of using them for the highest-priority needs of the city.

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