Gosnell Not An Aberration

5 06 2013

In the wake of the Gosnell atrocities and the other outrages that are coming to the light of day, Ian Tuttle from National Review has a great article on the mounting evidence that is beginning to show that these cases aren’t exactly an aberration in the world of abortion.

The accumulating evidence shows that Gosnell was not an “outlier,” and that it was not particularly lax oversight of abortion clinics in Pennsylvania that permitted his grisly operation to continue. It shows, instead, that horror clinics are distributed throughout the country — and that those who operate them frequently take their life-threatening operations on the road.

But a woman does not need to walk into a “house of horrors” to find herself in danger. Investigators in not only the states mentioned above, but also Alabama, New Mexico, Minnesota, and Colorado, are presenting evidence that abortion clinics are regularly out of compliance with state health regulations.

It should not come as a surprise that an industry that has so little regard for human life should have so little regard for laws and regulations.



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